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X-Man: The Man Who Fell To Earth (X-Man (1995-2001)) (English Edition) por 7,99€

X-Man: The Man Who Fell To Earth (X-Man (1995-2001)) (English Edition) por 7,99€

Válido hasta: 30/01/2023 15:28
Válido hasta: 30/01/2023 15:28

3 años

Straight from the Age of Apocalypse comes the saga of Nate Grey, the X-Man! Flung from his home dimension into the Marvel Universe, Nate must come to terms with being a stranger in a strange land. The powerful young man soon finds himself at odds with a host of major players - including Blaquesmith, the X-Cutioner, Excalibur, Mr. Sinister, and fellow AoA refugees Sugar Man and Dark Beast. And psionic sparks fly when Nate meets Madelyne Pryor, clashes with Professor X - and comes face-to-face with his counterpart, Cable!

Actualmente se encuentra en su Minimo en Amazon.


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